
Author name: Primary Care Diagnostics

Middle aged doctor standing in front of bookshelf - VAT ENG Testing

Maximizing Financial Gains with the VAT ENGPlus System

At a time when healthcare technology is rapidly advancing, clinics are continually faced with decisions about whether to invest in new technologies. The VAT ENGPlus System stands out as a promising option for enhancing diagnostic capabilities. Here’s why the VAT ENGPlus System would be a strategic and beneficial investment for your clinic, offering not just improved diagnostic precision but also provide significant financial advantages.

Overview of the VAT ENGPlus System

The VAT ENGPlus System is a sophisticated diagnostic tool designed to assess and diagnose vestibular disorders with remarkable accuracy. This system not only enhances the quality of patient care but also promises to transform clinic operations through its efficient and precise testing capabilities.

Upfront Investment vs. Long-Term Benefits

Investing in the VAT ENGPlus System involves initial costs, including purchase price, installation, and training. However, the long-term benefits significantly outweigh these initial expenses. Clinics can expect significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy, which reduces the frequency of repeat consultations and misdiagnoses—common cost factors in healthcare.

Impact on Clinic Operations and Efficiency

The VAT ENGPlus System streamlines patient management by providing rapid and accurate test results, allowing healthcare providers to handle a greater volume of patients efficiently. This increased throughput can lead to higher daily revenues, effectively boosting the clinic’s overall financial health.

Financial Savings from Improved Diagnostic Accuracy

Accurate diagnostics mean fewer unnecessary treatments and diagnostic procedures, resulting in considerable cost savings for the clinic. By preventing the common barrage of follow-up tests that often result from uncertain diagnoses, the VAT ENGPlus System directly contributes to more economical patient management.

Reimbursement and Return on Investment (ROI)

The use of the VAT ENGPlus System is supported by established CPT codes, ensuring that clinics can obtain reimbursement for the tests conducted using the system. This reimbursement not only offsets the initial costs but also enhances the return on investment over time, making it a financially viable option for many clinics.

Enhancing Patient Satisfaction and Retention

Superior diagnostic tools lead to better patient outcomes and higher satisfaction, which are critical for patient retention and the clinic’s reputation in the community. Satisfied patients are more likely to return and refer others, enhancing the clinic’s financial performance through organic growth.

The VAT ENGPlus System represents a substantial financial investment but also offers considerable benefits that justify its cost. By improving efficiency, accuracy, and patient satisfaction, the system can significantly enhance a clinic’s financial and operational performance.

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Interested in learning how the VAT ENGPlus System can impact your clinic financially? Contact our sales team today for a personalized cost-benefit analysis and see what this advanced diagnostic technology can do for you.

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Young doctor in office for TM Flow article

The Impact of TM Flow on Clinical Decision-Making

As the healthcare landscape evolves rapidly, the right technological investments are crucial for any clinic aiming to improve patient care. The TM Flow System is one such investment. It offers a wealth of advanced, actionable data that seamlessly integrates into daily clinical decision-making. This tool does more than just update your practice; it transforms how conditions are detected and managed, ensuring decisions are backed by reliable data, thus improving both patient outcomes and clinic efficiency.

Overview of the TM Flow System

The TM Flow System stands out for its comprehensive approach to health diagnostics, assessing crucial metrics such as cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system health through non-invasive tests. By providing metrics like heart rate variability, ankle-brachial index, and sudomotor function, it offers a complete picture of a patient’s health status, crucial for effective treatment planning. This can be extremely helpful when treating patients with peripheral neuropathy.

Enhancing Diagnostic Precision

The precision of the TM Flow System significantly elevates the standard of diagnostics by consolidating multiple health indicators into a singular, comprehensive assessment. This integration facilitates the early and accurate detection of a range of conditions, enhancing the efficacy of subsequent medical interventions.

Impact on Treatment Plans

Equipped with the detailed and accurate health data from the TM Flow System, healthcare providers can tailor treatment plans to individual patient needs with unprecedented accuracy. This section includes data-driven approaches lead to superior patient outcomes.

Reducing Diagnostic Uncertainty

The TM Flow System significantly cuts through the ambiguities often associated with diagnosing complex conditions. By providing clearer insights, it not only speeds up the treatment process but also boosts the confidence of practitioners and patients alike in the care provided.

Supporting Proactive Health Management

The system’s proactive detection capabilities are instrumental in managing and mitigating potential health issues before they escalate into more severe conditions. This proactive approach is a cornerstone of modern preventive healthcare, aiming to maintain long-term patient well-being.

Streamlining Patient Care and Follow-Up

The efficiency and rapidity of the TM Flow System’s diagnostic process ensure that patient care is both timely and effective, facilitating quicker follow-ups and consistent health monitoring.

The TM Flow System significantly enhances clinical decision-making by providing a depth of diagnostic data that is both broad and precise. Its impact stretches from improving individual patient outcomes to enhancing the overall operational efficacy and profitability of medical practices.

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For healthcare providers looking to elevate their practice’s diagnostic capabilities and revenues, the TM Flow System represents a transformative investment. Contact us today for more information.

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Doctor sitting in office, smiling while on the computer

How the VAT ENGPlus System Enhances Your Clinic’s Diagnostic Capabilities

Accurate and efficient diagnostic tools are crucial for providing high-quality patient care and maintaining the operational efficiency of a clinic. The VAT ENGPlus System, a state-of-the-art diagnostic device, enhances the capabilities of your clinic with its advanced features and comprehensive benefits.

Understanding the VAT ENGPlus System

Overview of the Technology:

The VAT ENGPlus System is an advanced diagnostic tool that combines multiple tests to provide comprehensive data on a patient’s vestibular system. It measures parameters such as eye movements, balance, and inner ear function, offering a detailed assessment that aids in the diagnosis and management of various vestibular disorders.

Importance in Healthcare:

Accurate vestibular diagnostics are essential for diagnosing conditions that affect balance and spatial orientation, such as vertigo, Meniere’s disease, and vestibular neuritis. The VAT ENGPlus System’s ability to provide detailed insights into a patient’s vestibular health will enable your clinic to make better informed decisions, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Key Benefits of the VAT ENGPlus System

Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy:

By providing detailed and precise measurements, the VAT ENGPlus System enhances diagnostic accuracy. For example, it can detect subtle abnormalities in eye movements that may indicate vestibular dysfunction, allowing for early intervention and better management of conditions. This improved accuracy ensures that patients receive the appropriate care promptly. To learn more about enhanced diagnostic accuracy, explore our detailed insights.”

Time Efficiency:

One of the standout benefits of the VAT ENGPlus System is its ability to streamline the diagnostic process. By integrating multiple tests into one system, it significantly reduces the time healthcare providers spend on diagnostics. This efficiency allows providers to see more patients and focus on delivering quality care, ultimately enhancing the overall productivity of your practice.

Financial Savings:

The VAT ENGPlus System offers substantial financial benefits for clinics. By improving diagnostic accuracy, it reduces the need for costly follow-up tests and treatments resulting from misdiagnoses. Additionally, the efficiency translates to enhanced patient care and increased practice revenues. The initial investment in the system can be quickly offset by these savings and increased earnings.

Enhanced Patient Care:

Accurate and timely diagnostics are the cornerstone of effective patient care. The VAT ENGPlus System’s comprehensive data allows for better-informed treatment plans, leading to improved patient outcomes. Patients benefit from quicker diagnosis, more precise treatment options, and overall better health management. Higher patient satisfaction and better health outcomes can also lead to increased patient retention and referrals.

Key Features of the VAT ENGPlus System

Non-Invasive Testing:

The VAT ENGPlus System uses non-invasive methods to collect data, making the testing process comfortable and stress-free for patients. This approach not only enhances patient compliance but also ensures that the tests can be performed quickly and easily without the need for specialized facilities or extensive preparation.

Comprehensive Data Analysis:

The system provides a detailed analysis of various health parameters, offering healthcare providers a wealth of information to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning. This comprehensive data supports more accurate and personalized care for patients.

EMR Systems:

Compatibility with existing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems is a critical feature of the VAT ENGPlus System. The system displays a final patient report, with a full interpretation, that is available to the ordering physician. It can be printed or sent to an EMR.

The VAT ENGPlus System is designed with ease of use in mind. Its intuitive interface allows healthcare providers to quickly learn and efficiently use the system, minimizing the learning curve and ensuring that the benefits of the system can be realized immediately. The availability of training and support further enhances its usability.

The VAT ENGPlus System offers a multitude of benefits for clinics, from improved diagnostic accuracy and time efficiency to financial savings and enhanced patient care. Its key features, including non-invasive testing, comprehensive data analysis, and seamless integration with EMR systems, make it an indispensable tool for modern healthcare providers. By adopting the VAT ENGPlus System, your clinic can achieve higher efficiency, better patient outcomes, and overall improved operational performance.

For more information on the VAT ENGPlus System, contact us today and discover how this innovative diagnostic tool can transform your clinic.

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Why Your Practice Needs the TM Flow System: Key Benefits and Features

Accurate and efficient diagnostic tools are essential for providing your patients with high-quality care and maintaining the financial health of a practice. The TM Flow System, a cutting-edge diagnostic medical device, is designed to address these challenges. Learn the key benefits and features of the TM Flow System and why it would be a valuable addition to your primary care practice.

Understanding the TM Flow System

Overview of the TM Flow System:

The TM Flow System is an advanced diagnostic tool that combines multiple non-invasive tests to provide comprehensive data on a patient’s cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system health. By measuring parameters such as heart rate variability, ankle-brachial index, and sudomotor function, the TM Flow System offers a detailed assessment that can aid your practice in the early detection and management of various chronic conditions.

In the realm of primary care, early and accurate diagnosis is crucial. The TM Flow System’s ability to provide detailed insights into a patient’s health status allows healthcare providers to make informed decisions, leading to better patient outcomes and more efficient care delivery.

Key Benefits of the TM Flow System

Improved Diagnostic Accuracy:

The TM Flow System enhances diagnostic precision by providing comprehensive data that goes beyond standard tests. For instance, it can help identify early signs of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, allowing for timely intervention and management. This improved accuracy reduces the risk of misdiagnosis and ensures patients receive the appropriate care.

Time Efficiency:

One of the standout benefits of the TM Flow System is its ability to streamline the diagnostic process. By combining multiple tests into one system, it significantly reduces the time healthcare providers spend on diagnostics. This time efficiency allows your clinic to see more patients and focus on delivering quality care, ultimately enhancing the overall productivity of the practice.

Financial Savings:

The TM Flow System offers substantial financial benefits for your primary care practice. By improving diagnostic accuracy, it reduces the need for costly follow-up tests and treatments resulting from misdiagnoses. Additionally, the efficiency gains translate to more patient consultations, increasing practice revenue. The initial investment in the system can be quickly offset by these savings and increased earnings.

Enhanced Patient Care:

Accurate and timely diagnostics are the cornerstone of effective patient care. The TM Flow System’s comprehensive data allows for better-informed treatment plans, leading to improved patient outcomes. Patients benefit from quicker diagnosis, more precise treatment options, and overall better health management. Higher patient satisfaction and better health outcomes can also lead to increased patient retention and referrals.

Key Features of the TM Flow System

Non-Invasive Testing:

The TM Flow System uses non-invasive methods to collect data, making the testing process comfortable and stress-free for patients. This approach not only enhances patient compliance but also ensures that the tests can be performed quickly and easily without the need for specialized facilities or extensive preparation.

Comprehensive Data Analysis:

The system provides a detailed analysis of various health parameters, offering healthcare providers a wealth of information to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning. This comprehensive data supports more accurate and personalized care for patients.

EMR Systems:

Compatibility with existing Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems is a critical feature of the TM Flow System. The system displays a final patient report, with a full interpretation, that is available to the ordering physician. It can be printed or sent to an EMR.


The TM Flow System is designed with ease of use in mind. Its intuitive operation allows healthcare providers to quickly learn and efficiently use the system, minimizing the learning curve and ensuring that the benefits of the system can be realized immediately. The availability of training and support further enhances its usability.

The TM Flow System offers a multitude of benefits for primary care practices, from improved diagnostic accuracy and time efficiency to financial savings and enhanced patient care. Its key features, including non-invasive testing, comprehensive data analysis, and pdf upload to EMR systems, make it an indispensable tool for modern healthcare providers. By adopting the TM Flow System, your practice can achieve higher efficiency, better patient outcomes, and overall improved operational performance.For more information on the TM Flow System, contact us today and discover how this innovative diagnostic tool can transform your practice.

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TM Flow System Equipment

Streamlining Clinical Workflows with TM Flow System

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, efficiency in clinical operations is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. Medical practices face increasing pressure to optimize time and resources while maintaining high standards of patient care. The TM Flow System is a pivotal tool in this environment, transforming how clinical workflows are managed thanks to its innovative and integrated diagnostic approach.

The Challenge of Modern Clinical Workflows

Traditional clinical workflows often involve numerous steps that can create inefficiencies, from long patient wait times to cumbersome administrative procedures. These inefficiencies can impede the overall effectiveness of patient care, causing frustration among both healthcare providers and patients.

Enhancing Clinical Efficiency with TM Flow

Improving patient care with TM FLOW!

The TM Flow System addresses these challenges head-on by offering a streamlined, non-invasive diagnostic process. Here’s how it makes a difference:

  • Non-Invasive, Quick Testing: TM Flow’s non-invasive tests are completed in just 7-10 minutes, significantly reducing the patient’s time in the clinic while eliminating the discomfort associated with more invasive procedures. This rapid testing capability ensures that more patients can be seen and treated efficiently within the same working day, improving patient care with TM Flow.
  • Multiple Diagnostic Tests in One System: By integrating autonomic nervous system testing, ankle-brachial index, and Sudomotor tests into one piece of equipment, TM Flow reduces the need for multiple devices. This not only saves space and costs but also simplifies the diagnostic process, allowing for quicker transitions between different types of assessments.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with the user in mind, the TM Flow System features an intuitive interface that makes it easy for healthcare professionals to operate and reduces the learning curve for new staff members.

Impact on Patient Experience

The patient-centric design of the TM Flow System significantly enhances the clinical experience:

  • Reduced Discomfort and Anxiety: The non-invasive nature of the TM Flow tests alleviates the fear and anxiety associated with diagnostic procedures, fostering a more comfortable and stress-free environment for patients.
  • Faster Diagnoses and Responsive Care: With quick test results, medical practitioners can discuss health issues and potential treatments with patients almost immediately. This responsiveness is crucial in building trust and ensuring that patients feel valued and cared for.

Proactive Health Management

TM Flow’s capability for early detection plays a crucial role in managing chronic conditions and preventing the progression of diseases. By identifying issues early, healthcare providers can intervene sooner, which is often less costly and more effective than treating advanced conditions.

Financial and Operational Benefits for Practices

Integrating TM Flow into a medical practice offers tangible financial benefits, from billing for multiple CPT codes to improving patient throughput and reducing operational costs. Practices can see a return on investment not just in financial terms, but also in the quality of care provided and patient satisfaction levels.

The TM Flow System represents a significant advancement in the way clinical workflows are managed. By integrating this system, healthcare practices can achieve a new level of efficiency and effectiveness, enhancing both the patient experience and the practice’s operational performance. As healthcare continues to evolve, tools like TM Flow will be essential in shaping a more efficient, effective, and patient-centered future.

To explore how the TM Flow System can benefit your practice, contact us today for more information and a demonstration.

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VAT ENG PLUS SYSTEM used on woman for testing

The Impact of Advanced Vestibular Testing on Patient Outcomes

Vestibular disorders are a prevalent challenge that many face, particularly among the elderly, impacting their stability and quality of life. The VAT ENGPlus System offers a state-of-the-art solution for diagnosing these conditions, enhancing both the precision of diagnostics and the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.

Enhanced Diagnostic Capabilities

The VAT ENGPlus System integrates comprehensive assessments of the vestibular, ocular motor, and neurological functions into a streamlined process. This system is engineered to deliver results in less than 25 minutes, utilizing only five electrodes and providing immediate, actionable data.

Precision and Efficiency

The system’s ability to distinguish between peripheral and central vestibular disorders allows for precise diagnosis, which is essential for effective treatment planning. The integration of corneo-retinal potential measurement further enhances its diagnostic scope, providing a more complete understanding of the patient’s vestibular health.

Impact on Treatment Strategies

Accurate diagnosis facilitates targeted treatment interventions. By pinpointing the specific nature of the vestibular disorder, the VAT ENGPlus allows for more personalized treatment plans, improving outcomes through tailored rehabilitation strategies.

Integrating the VAT ENGPlus into Clinical Practice

Incorporating the VAT ENGPlus into your clinical practice is straightforward. It can be deployed effectively within standard consultation durations, requiring minimal setup time and providing immediate results that can be integrated into patient management systems without disrupting existing workflows.

Economic Considerations

The VAT ENGPlus System is not only clinically advantageous but also economically viable. Established CPT codes ensure that the use of this system is reimbursable, which can offset its cost and increase the return on investment through enhanced diagnostic service provision.

The VAT ENGPlus System represents a significant advancement in the field of vestibular diagnostics. By adopting this system, your practice can significantly enhance the accuracy of diagnoses, the efficacy of treatments, and, ultimately, patient outcomes in vestibular health management.

To see how the VAT ENGPlus can integrate into your practice and start making a substantial difference in your management of vestibular disorders, contact us today for a demonstration and consultation.

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Doctor caring for patient - VAT ENG System

Enhancing Patient Care: The VAT ENGPlus System’s Role in Primary Care and Neurology

Falls among the elderly are not to be taken lightly; they represent a significant health concern that can lead to severe injuries, loss of independence, and even mortality. Our mission extends beyond treating conditions—we aim to prevent them. This is where the VAT ENGPlus System, a pivotal tool in vestibular testing, comes into play. 

Understanding the Urgency of Vestibular Testing

The statistics are compelling: a substantial percentage of the elderly experience dizziness and balance issues due to vestibular dysfunction, with the risk increasing with age. This isn’t just about occasional unsteadiness; vestibular disorders can drastically heighten the risk of falls. A significant number of senior falls are vestibular-related, and the need for precise, proactive diagnosis is undeniable.

The VAT ENGPlus System: A Beacon in Balance Testing

VAT ENG PLUS SYSTEM used on woman for testing

The VAT ENGPlus System is a state-of-the-art solution for vestibular autorotation testing that is reshaping the approach to diagnosing balance disorders. Designed for efficiency and precision, the system facilitates a comprehensive ear, brain, and eye assessment, which is crucial for identifying underlying vestibular dysfunctions.

Key Features and Advantages:

  • Efficiency: Completing a detailed diagnostic evaluation in less than 25 minutes, the system aligns with the fast-paced nature of primary care and neurology clinics.
  • Non-Invasive: With only five electrodes required, the VAT ENGplus ensures patient comfort and compliance, a testament to its patient-centric design.
  • Diagnostic Precision: The system’s ability to differentiate between peripheral vestibular disorders and central nervous system issues is crucial for tailoring patient treatment plans effectively.
  • Financial Viability: With established CPT codes for reimbursement, the VAT ENGplus is not only a clinical asset but is also financially beneficial for practices.

Integrating the VAT ENGplus into Clinical Practice

By incorporating the VAT ENGplus system into Annual Wellness Visits (AWV), clinicians can identify fall risks early, initiate appropriate vestibular therapy, and potentially prevent the dire consequences of falls.

Contact Primary Care Diagnostics to Learn More

Integrating the VAT ENGPlus System into patient evaluations signifies a proactive step towards enhancing patient outcomes. As we continue to navigate the complexities of healthcare, let us embrace innovative solutions like the VAT ENGplus, which align with our commitment to preventative care and quality of life for our elderly patients.

In the journey to mitigate the risks associated with vestibular disorders, the VAT ENGplus stands out as a beacon of hope, symbolizing our dedication to not just treating but preventing, not just diagnosing but empowering. It’s time to make vestibular testing with the VAT ENGplus a standard part of your practice, ensuring that every patient receives the comprehensive care they deserve.

Reach out to learn more about its capabilities and how it can streamline your workflow and enhance patient care.

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Physician at work - TM Flow blog post

The Integral Role of TM Flow Diagnostics in Modern Medical Practices

In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, taking advantage of new technologies is always important for enhancing patient care and practice efficiency. The TM Flow System is emerging as a cornerstone in modern medical practices, particularly in the realm of diagnostics. Learn about the role that the TM Flow System plays in contemporary healthcare settings thanks to its impact on diagnostic accuracy, patient experience, and clinical workflow optimization.

Enhanced Precision and Diagnostic Accuracy with TM Flow

At the heart of TM Flow’s appeal is its ability to significantly enhance diagnostic precision. The system’s non-invasive nature, combined with its comprehensive testing capabilities, offers a detailed view of the patient’s metabolic profile without the discomfort associated with traditional diagnostic procedures. The TM Flow System excels in a variety of assessments, from autonomic nervous system testing to vascular health evaluations, providing clinicians with critical data to guide patient care.

Transforming Patient Care with a Patient-First Approach

The patient experience is at the forefront of the TM Flow’s design philosophy. Traditional diagnostic procedures can often be invasive, causing discomfort or anxiety among patients. TM Flow’s non-invasive tests not only minimize this discomfort but also foster a more patient-centric healthcare environment. By reducing patient stress and simplifying the testing process, TM Flow contributes to a more positive and reassuring clinical experience, which is crucial in building trust and compliance among patients.

TM Flow’s non-invasive, quick, and user-friendly testing process respects the patient’s time and comfort, offering a stress-free diagnostic experience. The system’s efficiency, with tests taking between 7 to 15 minutes, ensures that patients receive timely attention without the need for prolonged or uncomfortable procedures.

Optimizing Clinical Efficiency through TM Flow Integration

Close up render of TM Flow System

Efficiency in healthcare is not just about saving time; it’s about optimizing the quality of care while managing resources effectively. TM Flow diagnostics integrates seamlessly into clinical workflows, offering a swift and efficient means of gathering essential health data. This integration reduces the time healthcare professionals spend on administrative tasks, allowing them to allocate more time to direct patient care. The result is a more responsive, efficient, and patient-focused healthcare delivery system.

Proactive Health Management With Early Detection

Early detection and intervention can dramatically alter the course of a patient’s health trajectory. TM Flow’s advanced diagnostic capabilities enable healthcare providers to identify potential health issues before they escalate into more severe conditions. This proactive approach to chronic care management not only improves patient outcomes but can also contribute to cost savings for healthcare systems by mitigating the need for more complex and expensive treatments down the line.

The TM Flow System represents a significant leap forward in medical diagnostics, offering a blend of precision, patient comfort, and efficiency that aligns with the needs of modern healthcare practices. Its role extends beyond just a diagnostic tool; it is a comprehensive solution that enhances patient care, streamlines clinical operations, and supports proactive health management. As healthcare continues to evolve, technologies like TM Flow Diagnostics will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of medical practice, making healthcare more accessible, effective, and patient-centered.

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VAT ENG PLUS Distribution flyer

Primary Care Diagnostics Partners with Western System Research to Distribute VAT ENGplus System Across the U.S.

Primary Care Diagnostics is pleased to announce an agreement with Western System Research to be the exclusive United States distributor of the VAT ENGplus System.

With more than 50 years of experience in diagnostic medical equipment sales and customers in 32 states, Primary Care Diagnostics will lead online product marketing and broaden the VAT ENGplus System further into the medical marketplace.

Tim Shelton, co-founder of Primary Care Diagnostics, expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration: “We are excited to partner with Western System Research and to expand the use of this valuable diagnostic patient testing.  WSR is a leader in this product development, and we look forward to partnering with them on its expansion throughout the US.”

Dennis O’Leary, President of Western System Research, commended the partnership, highlighting Primary Care Diagnostics’ esteemed track record: “PCD has been in the business for years, and their stellar reputation, product knowledge, and understanding of the dynamics in medical practices is highly regarded.”

About the VAT ENGplus System:

The VAT ENGplus System is a state-of-the-art, non-invasive diagnostic tool designed for in-office use, aiding in the assessment and diagnosis of patients experiencing dizziness, balance issues, and a history of falls. Its integration into Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) empowers practitioners to identify patients at risk of falls, addressing a critical health concern among the elderly.

VAT ENGplus System’s Impact on Elderly Care

Falls are the leading cause of death by injury in people 65 and older: Every year, one in three older adults fall.1 Falls can cause hip fractures and head wounds, which increases the risk of early death. This incites fear that can reduce mobility, cause depression and social isolation.2, 3

VAT ENGplus Innovative Software Enhancements:

Starting Monday, March 4, the VAT ENGplus System will receive a comprehensive software update.

VAT System Upgrades

This update includes:

  • Interactive menu system design                             
  • Streamlined flow for technicians
  • Graphic design for display                                        
  • PDF report generation allowing ease of transfer to EHR
  • Audio-Visual Updated Patient instructions

Primary Care Diagnostics is committed to expanding the reach and impact of the VAT ENGplus System, empowering physicians to elevate patient care and enhance practice efficiency. As a leading distributor of the TM FLOW/ANS System, PCD continues to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

For more details on how the VAT ENGplus System can transform patient outcomes and enrich your practice, contact Primary Care Diagnostics at sales@primarycarediagnostics.com.

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  1. Bergen, G., M.R. Stevens, E.R. Burns. 2016. “fall and fall injuries among adults aged ≥65 years—United States, 2014.” MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 65(37):993–8. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6537a2.htm
  2. National Institutes of Health. 2014. “Preventing Falls.” NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine. Winter 2014 Issue: Volume 8 Number 4. https://medlineplus.gov/magazine/issues/winter14/articles/winter14pg12-13.html
  3. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 2015. “Preventing Falls: A Guide to Implementing Effective Community-Based Fall Prevention Programs.” Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/pdf/falls/fallpreventionguide-2015-a.pdf

Primary Care Diagnostics Partners with Western System Research to Distribute VAT ENGplus System Across the U.S. Read More »

Primary Care Physician with patient

Enhancing Clinical Workflow with TM Flow: Focusing on Precision and Patient Care

In today’s healthcare landscape, efficiency and accuracy are more important than ever. The TM Flow system stands out by simplifying and improving the diagnostic process. This tool is specifically designed to support doctors by providing quick and accurate diagnostics, which is vital when striving for effective patient care.

How TM Flow Enhances Diagnostic Precision

TM Flow shines in its ability to offer detailed health insights without invasive procedures. It performs a range of tests—from checking sweat gland function to measuring blood flow—quickly and without discomfort to the patient. This accuracy is important, as it helps you pinpoint health issues early and tailor treatments effectively.

Improving Patient Experience and Care with TM Flow

Doctor giving patient good news

The patient experience with TM Flow is notably positive. The system’s non-invasive approach reduces patient stress and increases their willingness to undergo routine health checks. Quick access to test results means you can have immediate, informed discussions about treatment options, making care more responsive and personalized.

Streamlining Clinical Operations

TM Flow integrates multiple diagnostic tests into one efficient system, significantly lightening the load on healthcare staff. This integration means less time spent on administrative tasks and more on patient care. The result is a smoother workflow that adapts quickly to patient needs, allowing for more patient visits without compromising care quality.

Promoting Proactive Health Management

Early detection is one of TM Flow’s strengths. It alerts you to early signs of conditions like heart disease or neuropathy, enabling interventions that can prevent these issues from worsening. This proactive approach not only improves patient health outcomes but can also contribute to reducing long-term treatment costs.

A Practical Tool for Modern Healthcare

TM Flow is more than just a piece of equipment; it’s a practical solution for today’s healthcare challenges. It offers the precision and efficiency needed to improve patient care and practice operations. As the healthcare sector continues to evolve, adopting tools like TM Flow can help your practice enhance patient care while increasing practice revenues.

Elevate Your Healthcare Practice with TM Flow: Contact Us to Learn More

Discover how TM Flow can make a difference in your practice. Reach out to learn more about its capabilities and how it can streamline your workflow and enhance patient care.

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