
VAT ENG testing

The Impact of Advanced Vestibular Testing on Patient Outcomes

Vestibular disorders are a prevalent challenge that many face, particularly among the elderly, impacting their stability and quality of life. The VAT ENGPlus System offers a state-of-the-art solution for diagnosing these conditions, enhancing both the precision of diagnostics and the effectiveness of subsequent treatments.

Enhanced Diagnostic Capabilities

The VAT ENGPlus System integrates comprehensive assessments of the vestibular, ocular motor, and neurological functions into a streamlined process. This system is engineered to deliver results in less than 25 minutes, utilizing only five electrodes and providing immediate, actionable data.

Precision and Efficiency

The system’s ability to distinguish between peripheral and central vestibular disorders allows for precise diagnosis, which is essential for effective treatment planning. The integration of corneo-retinal potential measurement further enhances its diagnostic scope, providing a more complete understanding of the patient’s vestibular health.

Impact on Treatment Strategies

Accurate diagnosis facilitates targeted treatment interventions. By pinpointing the specific nature of the vestibular disorder, the VAT ENGPlus allows for more personalized treatment plans, improving outcomes through tailored rehabilitation strategies.

Integrating the VAT ENGPlus into Clinical Practice

Incorporating the VAT ENGPlus into your clinical practice is straightforward. It can be deployed effectively within standard consultation durations, requiring minimal setup time and providing immediate results that can be integrated into patient management systems without disrupting existing workflows.

Economic Considerations

The VAT ENGPlus System is not only clinically advantageous but also economically viable. Established CPT codes ensure that the use of this system is reimbursable, which can offset its cost and increase the return on investment through enhanced diagnostic service provision.

The VAT ENGPlus System represents a significant advancement in the field of vestibular diagnostics. By adopting this system, your practice can significantly enhance the accuracy of diagnoses, the efficacy of treatments, and, ultimately, patient outcomes in vestibular health management.

To see how the VAT ENGPlus can integrate into your practice and start making a substantial difference in your management of vestibular disorders, contact us today for a demonstration and consultation.

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Doctor caring for patient - VAT ENG System

Enhancing Patient Care: The VAT ENGPlus System’s Role in Primary Care and Neurology

Falls among the elderly are not to be taken lightly; they represent a significant health concern that can lead to severe injuries, loss of independence, and even mortality. Our mission extends beyond treating conditions—we aim to prevent them. This is where the VAT ENGPlus System, a pivotal tool in vestibular testing, comes into play. 

Understanding the Urgency of Vestibular Testing

The statistics are compelling: a substantial percentage of the elderly experience dizziness and balance issues due to vestibular dysfunction, with the risk increasing with age. This isn’t just about occasional unsteadiness; vestibular disorders can drastically heighten the risk of falls. A significant number of senior falls are vestibular-related, and the need for precise, proactive diagnosis is undeniable.

The VAT ENGPlus System: A Beacon in Balance Testing

VAT ENG PLUS SYSTEM used on woman - medical diagnostics

The VAT ENGPlus System is a state-of-the-art solution for vestibular autorotation testing that is reshaping the approach to diagnosing balance disorders. Designed for efficiency and precision, the system facilitates a comprehensive ear, brain, and eye assessment, which is crucial for identifying underlying vestibular dysfunctions.

Key Features and Advantages:

  • Efficiency: Completing a detailed diagnostic evaluation in less than 25 minutes, the system aligns with the fast-paced nature of primary care and neurology clinics.
  • Non-Invasive: With only five electrodes required, the VAT ENGplus ensures patient comfort and compliance, a testament to its patient-centric design.
  • Diagnostic Precision: The system’s ability to differentiate between peripheral vestibular disorders and central nervous system issues is crucial for tailoring patient treatment plans effectively.
  • Financial Viability: With established CPT codes for reimbursement, the VAT ENGplus is not only a clinical asset but is also financially beneficial for practices.

Integrating the VAT ENGplus into Clinical Practice

By incorporating the VAT ENGplus system into Annual Wellness Visits (AWV), clinicians can identify fall risks early, initiate appropriate vestibular therapy, and potentially prevent the dire consequences of falls.

Contact Primary Care Diagnostics to Learn More

Integrating the VAT ENGPlus System into patient evaluations signifies a proactive step towards enhancing patient outcomes. As we continue to navigate the complexities of healthcare, let us embrace innovative solutions like the VAT ENGplus, which align with our commitment to preventative care and quality of life for our elderly patients.

In the journey to mitigate the risks associated with vestibular disorders, the VAT ENGplus stands out as a beacon of hope, symbolizing our dedication to not just treating but preventing, not just diagnosing but empowering. It’s time to make vestibular testing with the VAT ENGplus a standard part of your practice, ensuring that every patient receives the comprehensive care they deserve.

Reach out to learn more about its capabilities and how it can streamline your workflow and enhance patient care.

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VAT ENG PLUS Distribution flyer

Primary Care Diagnostics Partners with Western System Research to Distribute VAT ENGplus System Across the U.S.

Primary Care Diagnostics is pleased to announce an agreement with Western System Research to be the exclusive United States distributor of the VAT ENGplus System.

With more than 50 years of experience in diagnostic medical equipment sales and customers in 32 states, Primary Care Diagnostics will lead online product marketing and broaden the VAT ENGplus System further into the medical marketplace.

Tim Shelton, co-founder of Primary Care Diagnostics, expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration: “We are excited to partner with Western System Research and to expand the use of this valuable diagnostic patient testing.  WSR is a leader in this product development, and we look forward to partnering with them on its expansion throughout the US.”

Dennis O’Leary, President of Western System Research, commended the partnership, highlighting Primary Care Diagnostics’ esteemed track record: “PCD has been in the business for years, and their stellar reputation, product knowledge, and understanding of the dynamics in medical practices is highly regarded.”

About the VAT ENGplus System:

The VAT ENGplus System is a state-of-the-art, non-invasive diagnostic tool designed for in-office use, aiding in the assessment and diagnosis of patients experiencing dizziness, balance issues, and a history of falls. Its integration into Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) empowers practitioners to identify patients at risk of falls, addressing a critical health concern among the elderly.

VAT ENGplus System’s Impact on Elderly Care

Falls are the leading cause of death by injury in people 65 and older: Every year, one in three older adults fall.1 Falls can cause hip fractures and head wounds, which increases the risk of early death. This incites fear that can reduce mobility, cause depression and social isolation.2, 3

VAT ENGplus Innovative Software Enhancements:

Starting Monday, March 4, the VAT ENGplus System will receive a comprehensive software update.

VAT System Upgrades

This update includes:

  • Interactive menu system design                             
  • Streamlined flow for technicians
  • Graphic design for display                                        
  • PDF report generation allowing ease of transfer to EHR
  • Audio-Visual Updated Patient instructions

Primary Care Diagnostics is committed to expanding the reach and impact of the VAT ENGplus System, empowering physicians to elevate patient care and enhance practice efficiency. As a leading distributor of the TM FLOW/ANS System, PCD continues to be at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

For more details on how the VAT ENGplus System can transform patient outcomes and enrich your practice, contact Primary Care Diagnostics at sales@primarycarediagnostics.com.

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  1. Bergen, G., M.R. Stevens, E.R. Burns. 2016. “fall and fall injuries among adults aged ≥65 years—United States, 2014.” MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 65(37):993–8. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6537a2.htm
  2. National Institutes of Health. 2014. “Preventing Falls.” NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine. Winter 2014 Issue: Volume 8 Number 4. https://medlineplus.gov/magazine/issues/winter14/articles/winter14pg12-13.html
  3. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. 2015. “Preventing Falls: A Guide to Implementing Effective Community-Based Fall Prevention Programs.” Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/pdf/falls/fallpreventionguide-2015-a.pdf

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Doctor with elderly patient

AWV Fall Prevention: Vestibular Issues and Senior Falls

Falls, especially among the senior population, have become an alarming concern in healthcare. They can lead to severe injuries, diminished quality of life, and even fatalities. Balance testing, an essential component in addressing this issue, offers a proactive approach to identify potential vestibular disorders that could lead to instability and increased risk of falls. Integrating balance testing during Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) ensures that potential risks are identified early, allowing for timely intervention and management. Such preventive measures can significantly reduce the incidence of falls, emphasizing the pivotal role balance testing plays in safeguarding the well-being of our elderly population. Thankfully, tools like the VAT/ENGPlus System are emerging as game-changers in diagnosing and preventing these issues.

Understanding Vestibular Disorders

Data from the National Institutes of Health suggests that inner-ear imbalances are more common than many realize and that half of Americans above the age of 60 are impacted.

In the elderly, with the natural aging of the inner ear and the vestibular system, changes occur that can impact balance and spatial orientation. Anomalies in these systems can lead to symptoms like dizziness, and vertigo, and, more critically, increase the risk of falls. Given that the American Geriatric Society and Medicare state that 85% of senior falls occur due to some type of vestibular issue, the pressing need for accurate diagnosis cannot be overemphasized.

The VAT/ENGPlus System: Revolutionizing Diagnosis

Traditional methods of diagnosing vestibular issues could sometimes be invasive or not comprehensive enough. Enter the VAT/ENGPlus System, a groundbreaking tool designed to evaluate vestibular and ocular motor involvement efficiently.

The advantages of this system are manifold:

  • It provides a thorough diagnostic evaluation of the ear, brain, and eye.
  • Tests can be administered swiftly, often in less than 25 minutes.
  • The noninvasive system requires only 5 electrodes, ensuring patient comfort.
  • Its portability allows tests to be performed in most exam rooms.

But beyond its technical capabilities, the VAT/ENGPlus System stands out for its approach. It doesn’t just identify the problem—it aids physicians in creating an individualized comprehensive fall prevention plan as part of an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV).

Clinical Integration of the VAT/ENGPlus System

Addressing the diagnostic gap, the VAT-ENGPlus System emerges as a beacon for those in the medical field. Unlike traditional vestibular tests that may have limitations in assessing both horizontal and vertical canals or may only evaluate slower motions, the VAT/ENGplus tests natural, faster motions, enhancing diagnostic accuracy.

1. Streamlined Patient Evaluations: 

Completing a full diagnostic evaluation of ear, brain, and eye in less than 25 minutes, the VAT/ENGPlus System ensures that clinicians can offer comprehensive care without lengthy and multiple testing sessions.

2. Diagnostic Precision: 

Beyond its speed, the VAT-ENGplus differentiates between a Peripheral Vestibular disorder and a Central Nervous System disorder. Such distinctions are paramount, especially when crafting individualized management plans.

3. Value Proposition: 

Beyond the direct benefits to patient care, the system offers tangible returns for providers, as immediate results and established CPT codes for reimbursement make it a financially viable addition to any medical practice.

Given the rising concerns surrounding falls within the senior community, the urgency to adopt proactive diagnostic measures is more paramount than ever. Falls can precipitate severe injuries, deteriorate the quality of life, and even be fatal. Early detection of potential vestibular disorders through balance testing during Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) is an instrumental strategy in mitigating these risks. With data revealing the prevalence of inner-ear imbalances among seniors and the correlative findings that most senior falls are vestibular, the imperative for precise diagnosis is undeniable. The VAT/ENGPlus System has revolutionized this diagnostic landscape, offering rapid, non-invasive, and comprehensive assessments. More than its diagnostic prowess, the system’s true value lies in its approach to holistic patient care—guiding physicians in crafting individualized fall prevention plans. It is clear that for medical professionals dedicated to enhancing patient outcomes, integrating balance testing during AWV is not merely an advancement but an indispensable necessity.

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Female doctor taking notes after VAT ENG test

VAT ENG Testing for Fall Prevention

Vestibular testing is an important components of a comprehensive fall prevention plan. This is especially true for older adults, who are more likely to suffer from injuries due to falls. To ensure that older adults have access to the best care possible, it is important for physicians to understand the benefits of vestibular and ocular motor, and VAT ENG testing

What is VAT ENG Testing? 

The VAT quickly and comfortably monitors a patient’s head and eye motions to record what is happening in the vestibular portion of the inner ear. Testing with the VAT often identifies problems not found with other vestibular tests, because the VAT tests natural, faster motions and unlike other conventional vestibular tests, evaluates both the horizontal and vertical canals. Because the VAT is sensitive to changes of the VOR and is easy to perform, it is often the first screening test a patient receives who complain of dizziness or balance problems. Patients do not object to repeat testing which makes the VAT the ideal test to monitor ototoxic medication and vestibular rehabilitation.

VAT ENG testing is a comprehensive test designed to evaluate the function of the inner ear and its related structures. It can also help diagnose problems with vision, balance, coordination, and other neurological functions. During the test, patients are asked to perform various activities, such as standing on one foot or focusing on moving objects while standing still. The results of these tests provide valuable insight into a patient’s overall health and wellbeing. 

Benefits of VAT ENG Testing 

There are several key benefits to using VAT ENG testing for fall prevention. First, it can provide physicians with an accurate diagnosis for conditions such as vertigo, dizziness or imbalance. Second, it can help identify any underlying issues that may be contributing to a patient’s fall risk (e.g., poor vision or difficulty with coordination). Finally, VAT ENG testing can help doctors develop an effective fall prevention plan tailored specifically to each individual patient’s needs. 

After the VAT ENG test, Vestibular therapy is 90% effective at fixing the problem, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is eye exercises which recalibrate the signal the inner ear sends to the brain to move the eye correctly.  

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) 

In addition to diagnosing underlying causes of falls, VAT ENG tests can also be used in conjunction with vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), which is a type of physical therapy designed to improve balance and reduce fall risk in older adults. VRT involves exercises that target specific areas affected by aging-related changes in posture and gait patterns as well as exercises that focus on building strength and improving coordination skills. VRT has been shown to be effective in reducing falls among older adults when combined with other forms of exercise such as tai chi or yoga classes specifically designed for seniors.   


Vestibular testing is an invaluable tool for assessing patients’ risk of falling and developing effective strategies for preventing falls among older adults. By providing physicians with an accurate diagnosis and helping them identify any underlying issues contributing to a patient’s risk of falling, The VAT ENG test enables doctors to create personalized plans tailored specifically towards each individual’s needs. Additionally, when combined with vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), this type of assessment provides an even more thorough approach to fall prevention among seniors than traditional methods alone could provide. As such, it should be incorporated into every physician’s practice whenever possible for the best possible outcomes in their patients’ health and safety. 

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Female doctor with senior patient at hospital - VAT ENG TEST


Why Physicians Should Prioritize Balance Testing 

The vestibular system is an important part of a patient’s overall health. When it is not functioning properly, it can lead to a number of issues, including dizziness and imbalance. That’s why physicians need to be monitoring and screening their patients for vestibular dysfunction so that we can take preventive measures to guard against falls. Let’s take a closer look at balance testing and how it can improve patient safety. 

What Is Balance Testing? 

Balance testing is used to assess the function of the vestibular system in order to diagnose any underlying conditions that might be causing dizziness or imbalance. These tests involve measuring eye movement and head movements. All of these measurements help physicians determine whether or not there are any dysfunctions within the vestibular system that could put a patient at risk of falling. 

The Benefits Of VAT ENG Testing

The VAT ENG Test can be used to diagnose, develop a treatment plan and monitor vestibular disease. The ENG tests for problems with the CNS and peripheral systems. The VAT is a measure of the vestibular ocular reflex. These are measures of eye movements. The VAT measures the speed and the angle of the eye in normal, every-day movements. This is very important for seniors for fall prevention, as 50% of all seniors have a vestibular problem, according to Johns Hopkins. It is also very useful for diagnosing and treating dizziness in patients. 

VAT ENG testing helps physicians identify potential causes of dizziness or imbalance before they become more serious issues. By catching these problems early on, physicians can provide their patients with treatment options that will improve their quality of life and decrease their risk of falling. This includes medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications, and even surgery when necessary.  

What is the VAT? 

For most of the population, balance control occurs at an unconscious level. Signals from the inner ear continuously drive the eye muscles to coordinate eye movement with head movement. This coordination is necessary to have clear vision and balance. The communication between the ear and the eye is called the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). When the VOR is functioning properly, eye speed and timing are equal and opposite to those of the head. But, if the speed or timing is off, even slightly, vision is distorted because of apparent motion of the visual field.


VAT ENG testing is an important tool for assessing the function of the vestibular system in order to diagnose any underlying conditions that might be causing dizziness or imbalance in patients before they become more serious issues. By conducting these tests regularly with their patients, physicians can provide them with treatment options that will improve their quality of life and decrease their risk of falling—which will ultimately lead to better outcomes! 

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