Autonomic Nervous System Testing Equipment
TM Flow System Testing Includes Sudomotor function tests, cardiac autonomic reflex tests (EWING), Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) Testing

Contact us for more details about purchasing a TM Flow System.
TM Flow System helps physicians differentiate vascular from neuropathic symptoms. Based on significant user feedback, TM-Flow is a unique Medical Device Data System that makes a difference.
- User-friendly
- Non-invasive
- 7-10 minute test
- Easy to interpret the report that can be integrated into EHR
- Allows provider to perform and bill for 3 CPT codes
- Average Medicare Reimbursement $200-300
TM Flow Reimbursement
TM Flow System CPT Codes
95921 Autonomic Function Testing
95923 Sudomotor Testing
93922 Ankle-Brachial Index Test

Autonomic, Vascular and Cario-metabolic Risk Assessments
- Differentiating the patient symptom causes.
- Early detection of chronic metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and vascular disease.
- Early detection of ANS and vascular complications.
- Treatment management of type 2 diabetes using scores, Cardiovascular and hypoglycemia risk markers.
TM Flow is a Patented system.
For more information about the TM Flow Device, pricing for a TM Flow System or to schedule a demo of the TM Flow, contact
TM Flow Systems by LD Technologies
TM Flow analysis focuses on early detection and follow-up of complications (autonomic nervous system & vascular system) of chronic metabolic diseases such as Diabetes.
The TM FLOW System includes the following tests to determine these clinical outcomes and includes:
- Sudomotor function tests – using sympathetic skin response
- Photo-plethysmography analysis – using an oximeter. This includes heart rate variability analysis and spectral analysis of the oximeter waveform.
- Cardiac Autonomic Reflex Tests or EWING Tests: which include The Vasalva Maneuver, Deep Breathing exercises, Postural changes
Ankle Brachial Index (OR ABI ) measurement using pneumo-plethysmography
The TM Flow System allows healthcare providers to carry out crucial autonomic function testing and sudomotor testing, with a user-friendly and non-invasive approach that can be integrated into any physician’s workplace.

TM Flow System